Skill Validation Tables

These entries are used when registering a new skill for an employee, an incumbent or a position – the skill type chosen will determine the skills which are made available. Skills tables are a two level entry:

Skill Type

This is the umbrella under which individual skills will be grouped, such as tertiary education, communication or information technology. The HR reports Employee Skill Gap and Employee Skills Listing can be filtered on this value. Skill types can be edited by double clicking on the existing skill type and making changes. To create a new skill type, click on the Add New button and then enter a new skill type description.


These are the individual skills, each linked to a single skill type. Bachelor of Arts, MBA and PhD are all properties which can be grouped under the tertiary education skills type. The HR reports Employee Skill Gap and Employee Skills Listing can be filtered on this value.

Editing or Creating New Skills:

  1. Double click an existing entry to edit it, or click on the Add New button to create a new entry.
  2. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Description Enter a title for the skill, as you wish it to appear in the skills module and on reports.
Skill Type Select the relevant skill type from the drop-down list or click <<Add New>> to create a new one as you work.
Notes Enter any notes relevant to the skill.